Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Motorcycle license and registration

I got to work today and there was another motorcycle in the area that I park.  95% of the time I’m the only one there on 2 wheels.  This was a pretty beat up Yamaha, either an R6 or R1.  It had black-painted fairings with no stickers and I don’t know the Yamahas as well as Honda so I couldn’t tell at a glance.

What I DID notice was the lack of inspection sticker and out of date license place.  Now I THINK the inspection sticker just has to be with the motorcycle so I may have just missed it but the license was obvious.

What’s wrong with people?  In Texas, a motorcycle inspection costs just over $12, assuming the bike will pass.   There’s currently no emissions test so they pretty much just look for working lights, installed mirrors, and some tread on the tires.  The license tag is also only around $35-45 depending on where you live so that’s no big dealer either.

So it really pisses me off when people can’t follow some basic laws and pay their part.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Neighborhood Security

Why do people move into a neighborhood and then want to start changing things a few years later?  We live in a nice neighborhood with just over 300 houses.  It has been here a little over 10 years and from the beginning it has been an open community with a walking area, a couple of playgrounds, a basketball court, and an open green area with a gazebo.  It has been that way since the beginning.  We don’t have a community swimming pool, tennis courts, gated entrance, nor a guard.

Every few years it seems that mainly the newer residents who have been here 3 years or less start wanting to change things.  They start saying, “We need a pool” or “we need tennis courts”.  Now some of them are getting nervous and scared from reports of some thefts.  They are saying that it’s getting so bad that we need to do something.  Well I’ve been here over 10 years now, and realistically it’s the same that it has always been.  We have had a few random things happen lately but I can remember a time or 2 early in the neighborhood’s history of some really organized operations that were stealing from every neighborhood in the area.

Now they want to put up gates to make us a gated community.

I say, if you wanted that stuff, why did you move here?  There are plenty of communities around that already have that stuff.  There are at least 2 of them within a 2 mile radius of our place.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Where's the griping?

It figures... 2 years since I put anything up here.  I'll have to try to rectify that situation soon.