Friday, August 24, 2007

Taking drinking seriously

I think this county's population has a real problem with rationalizing stuff and coming up with excuses instead of realizing the problems we have. I mean, why else would we continue to allow people to use judgment-impairing drugs and drive their cars on the road and then when they kill somebody, they just get a slap on the wrist? Yeah I mean alcohol. I go out to restaurants and see couples, often with children, BOTH drinking alcoholic drinks and then all getting into the same car and driving home. How ignorant do you have to be to not have seen that even a single drink impairs judgment and reaction times by a measurable amount? I hear people laughing and joking about how hard it was to drive home and that they were lucky that they didn't get a ticket. It never crosses their minds that they're lucky they didn't kill themselves or somebody else.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Who's using all the drugs?

I saw today on the news where some semi submersible boat carrying around 5 TONS of cocaine was seized. Now that's a lot of dope! We hear all the time that drug trafficking prevention costs us X number of dollars each year. My question is, why are there so many ignorant, stupid, insane people that use this crap anyway? Are we a country of losers that just don't give a darn any more?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Watering the wet ground

What's up with people with automatic sprinkler systems in their yards who don't actually monitor what their systems are doing? If anybody has seen the weather or news, you'll know what we've gotten our fair share of rain down here in Houston. There was one 2 week period that it rained at least once every day at my house. Still, I'm leaving for work at 6:30am and what do I see? I see at least 2 neighbors sprinkler system squirting water on the grass. And one day it was freaking raining AT THE SAME TIME!!!

Is it ignorance? Have they forgotten that they even have their systems on a schedule? Do they just not give a damn that they're being wasteful? Are these the same people who get a pet and then forget to feed it?

Whatever it is people, come on! Let's use a little common sense. Normally this time of the year we're already seeing notices from the water company about drought conditions. It's not going to stay wet like this forever and the more water we leave in the ground now, the less the change of a shortage later.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Where's the posts?

Geez, one day I'm going to have to start posting stuff.